The box contains 5floz of the body sugar a bunch of strips,3 spatulas and some azulene oil for after hair removal.

This is not a wax,Its a sugar based hair removal system,Containing 100% natural ingredients it is meant to be so natural its almost edible.(of course Im not going to try any...cough cough)
As well as sugar and camomile it also contains citrus extracts .This means it conditions and exfoliates your legs at the same time.It can also be used on the face and body.The results are said to last up to 6 weeks.Leaving you with a clean salon finish.I forgot to mention,Its also washable,so If you make any mistakes,or if you get to scared to pull the strip off,you can rinse it off with warm water.HURRAH!
In the past I have tried waxing.Nair, the one that has no strips and you actually have to rip the wax.And the veet strips,that you rub in your hands to warm up.I haven't got on with any of these.So im hoping I will get on with this one.
As the weekend is coming up,and Im planning on going out,I thought I would give it a whirl.This is either going to go two ways.Lets hope im on twitter later raving about my smooth sexy legs.
You can pick this up in sainsbury's rrp £12.99
If you have any tips,Please throw them my way ladies.Wish me luck......