And the Oscar goes to ....
Did you have fun watching the 80th Academy Awards? I may be in the minority here, but I have to admit to being big time disappointed! The presenters were fab, no issues with who received awards, and some of the performances were wonderful, BUT ... John Stewart - no more please! Come on, really, surely this isn't the BEST we can do. Additionally, the team that organized the event's production, make some notes. Here is what I noticed, and I doubt I'm alone:
- More than one recipient for an award? Well, you were outta luck in thanking folks unless you happened to be the one who spoke up first; so, so, so rude not to let more than one person speak before interrupting with the dreaded music prompting, ridiculous even
- Presenters kept slipping when approaching the podium on the left hand side of the screen, even after being warned about it by Colin Farrell - are you people idiots? Good thing one of the pregnant presenters didn't slip - would have been REALLY bad
- Whole show just seemed to be in disarray; who's doing what when, where, huh?
- Overall, the show was just plain old FLAT!
What saved the show? The eloquence and professionalism of most of the award recipients, presenters, and true stars. I'm not gonna do a huge write up about each stars' beauty, dress, makeup, etc as many of my beauty blogging loves have already done such a fabulous job of giving you the best in scoop.
Beauty Bloggin' on the Oscars
p.s. My faves of the night were: 1) Marion Cotillard, 2) Jennifer Garner, and 3) Nicole Kidman
photos: WWD, Oscars.com