Ok,so I received the tea tree facial scrub and face moisturiser,tea tree oil and some face mask samples.What Im going to be talking about today is the exfoliating cream face wash and the moisturiser.

So anyway,I already have a face cream that I use in the day and I didn't want to change that.So I decided to use this moisturiser at night instead.Makes sense to use something that soothes the skin after a long day.
(all pics are click to enlarge)
My thoughts on the cream:This moisturiser contains tea tree and peppermint oils and aloe vera extract.Its also paraben free.When I first used it I definitely felt the cooling effects of the peppermint.It was easily absorbed,and left my skin feeling fresh and moisturised.When I woke up in the morning my skin was extremely soft.I dont really think I can fault this.the only thing I would say is that it has quite a strong peppermint smell which some people may not like.I think this will be a great product to use in the summer if we ever get one.
Next up we have the tea tree exfoliating cream face wash...
Im not kidding this is probably the best face wash I have ever used in my life,and Im not just saying that because it was sent to me.This face wash is amazing.From first use my skin felt soft smooth and by the time the first week was up my face was glowing.The smell again very minty.This product is a cream face wash and the little bits in it that exfoliate are from walnut shell granules.The granules are really quite small but you can still feel them working.The consistency of this isn't as thick as your usual cream face wash,its a tad runny,but a little goes a long way.At first I was using this everyday,but then realised leaving a day in between would be best because it was ever so slightly drying on my forehead.
This product is not something I would even look at in the shops if im being honest,I usually just stick to what I know and what my face agrees with,But I will definitely be buying this when this one runs out
I haven't yet used the face masks, because im saving them for when I feel like relaxing and pampering myself,but I will update you to how I get on with those.And the only thing ive done with the tea tree oil is sniffed it,because someone told me that the antibacterial base to the oil can prevent you from getting ill.If that's a lie,the joke is on me,and I just look like a weirdo sniffing something from a bottle.None the less I haven't caught any colds from the people that have been coughing and sneezing around me so maybe it does work.
The products are available from superdrug and its currently 2 for £5 bargain!!
Do any of you use any tea tree products,or have any tips or great ways of using the oil?