Any of you who tried to take advantage of the Lancome Happy Hour promo (see post below) will know exactly what I mean with that oh so frustrated sigh above. My goodness! I began trying to place my order for the promo at 1 pm CST and at 3:53 pm the order was still not placed. The website was taking in excess of 1/2 hour to load each page. Then, as if to say, "Gotcha", the site promptly deleted an item from my basket right before I was ready to checkout. And it was my Pixel Pink lippie - nooooooooooooooooooooo!
Now, the story ends on a happy note, and so I eagerly wanted to share how I worked this out. Despite that the promo was ending at 4 pm CST and I only had seven minutes left to try and complete my order, I opted for another stab at this. I called them!
The sweet Lancome Customer Service Representative couldn't have been more accomodating (Hi, Gina, thank you sooooo much ... xo). After briefly stating, "I've been trying to take advantage of the HAPPYHOUR promo for darn near 3 hours", she sweetly interrupted me. Her words couldn't have been more pleasant to my ears, "Don't worry, I'm going to honor the promo for you". That was all it took. No tirade, no fit, no figurative throwing up of the arms was necessary. Not only did I STILL get to order my Pixel Pink (yeaaaaaaa) but I grabbed a Kristopher Cane Juicy Tube in a shade that was showing as sold out on the website. Whew ...... now I know to CALL next time something like this happens with website promos.
Were you successful in grabbing this whopper of a deal?