Have you not yet sufficiently drooled this season?
Well if you want more, you're getting it!
Thanks to Kiss and Makeup TV and Spektra, we've been graced once again with some promos for soon to be released collections.
Set for release - July 2008
The Sonic Chic Collection will include nine (9) blushes and a buffer brush.
- Dainty: Yellow pink with gold pearl
- Warm Soul: Mid tone beige with gold
- Nuance: Mid tone peach with gold pearl
- Gentle:Raspberry with gold pearl
- Gleeful: Deep dirty blue pink with gold pearl
- Merrily: Dirty burned red with gold pearl
- Love Thing: Dirty burgundy with gold pearl
- Love Joy: Mid tone brown with gold pearl
- Pleasantry: Intense mid tone blue pink with gold pearl
source: Kiss and Makeup TV, Spektra