Marianella Febres - Cordero and her son David certainly do know how to make a beautiful presentation. After Marianella arrived in Dallas,TX from her native Venezuela, she and David, an artist and filmaker, joined forces mixing his artistic ideas with her unique sensitivities. Growing up in Venezuela, Marianella and her sisters made their own soaps in their kitchen on Sunday afternoons. She decided to carry that over here, longing for the sweet memories of the world she left behind.

Indeed she has! Jabonería Marianella soaps are one-of-a-kind and are 100% natural, handcrafted with pure ingredients such as vegetable oils, cocoa butter, oatmeal, honey, goat's milk, and vegetable glycerin, only colored naturally and scented with all natural plant essential oils and the highest quality skin-safe fragrance oils. The look and scents in these soaps are inspired and selected from a lifetime of memories - family life, childhood, Marianella's travels and the tropical country where she came from, making them a rich experience that, through their luscious lather and exquisite aroma, conjures up a loving vision.

These bars are absolutely exquisite. It's a sensual experience really; from the luscious aromas permeating from the bar, the colors and artisitic crafting of the soap visually, the lather and richness of the blend of ingredients on your skin. I'm an instant fan!

The overall appeal of the soaps is only heightened by their packaging. One sees instantly the care and thought Marianella has put into each pouch. Her soaps are sold by weight of the individual pouches rather than by ounce of bar. The smallest pouch contains both a bath bar and a hand/facial bar so the receiver is doubly treated. Pouches range from 8oz - 12oz and are sold at $22 to $30. A small price to pay for a piece of art that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

My picks this go 'round (cuz I'm definitely going back for more)

What other treats to the senses may one choose from? Well, I don't want to spoil all the surprises. You should check out the site so as to enjoy the intoxication in your mind while selecting for yourself. A few more teases of Marianella's inspirations are all I'll afford ...

"Paul Gauguin's women with painted hibiscus flowers on their hair; beds of lilies that laced the convent in England where I studied as a child; lemon trees in my grandmother Julia’s garden"

"Colorful flowers that adorned my grandmother’s terrace, her grapefruit and vanilla preserve (dulce de toronja), mixed with the subtle aroma of my baby sister on a siesta afternoon"

"The smell of warm apple pie, spelling bee fun with my son while swaying in the hammock on the terrace; the warm early night wind diffusing around us the sweet exotic aroma of the Lady of the Night"

"Afternoon tea at a coffee shop in New York with my sisters, savoring tarts of grapefruit, tangerine, blackberries and mango"

Coming Soon! Some really fabulous sounding candles made from triple-scented, 100% hand-poured soy. Marianella expects to have them available in July of this year.
That's all I shall give ... now, what are you waiting for?

Information and purchasing: Jabonería Marianella