How do I love thee? Let me count the ways ...
I'm so excited about Shea Terra Organics I'm finding it hard to control myself in the words I want to use here. I'm trying to recall how I first heard of the brand. Oh yes, it was when I did the piece on Sourcing the World's Best in Beauty earlier this month. Oddly, Shea Terra isn't one of the companies highlighted by Style (although I think it should have been); but in researching one of the products and companies they did highlight, I was brought to b-glowing, a favorite online store of mine.
Anyhoo ... while at b-glowing I was perusing some of their newer brands and lines and began drooling over the Shea Terra body products. I knew I had to have some. I am soooo glad I let temptation get the better of me on this occasion!
There's much to learn from Shea Terra and to talk about. As such, I'm writing a feature on a different product each day this week. I just can't bring myself to write all I want to say about the lot of them in this one article. Yes, they are that good!
First, a little about Shea Terra Organics:
- Products are 99-100% natural
- No Artificial Fragrances: Artificial fragrances can cause allergies and many contain carcinigens
- Shea Terra Organics uses only pure fruit and plant extracts to enhance the therapeutic value of our products. Don't expect an herbal, medicinal fragrance. Our carefully formulated fragrances rival some of the largest cosmetic companies without compromise to health
- Shea Terra Organics products DO NOT contain sulfates, parabens, silicone, artificial coloring or synthetic fragrance. The products are cruelty free
- Research and test sustainable, indigenous African ingredients for healing and reparative benefits. It's not enough to just moisturize with our products; Shea Terra uses the powers of Africa's oils, herbs and butters to create highly effective skin care treatments
- Use only sustainable raw materials to support preservation of the continent's rich and rare resources
Now, a little about their luxurious body scrub - Miombo Mango Shea Butter Dead Sea Salt Scrub
- Sourced from the depths of the Dead Sea and the expanse of the African savannah, Dead Sea salt and organic shea butter combine to produce this luxuriant, non-oily body scrub
- For this delectable treat Shea Terra begins in the Miombo forest of Central Africa where bush mangos sweetly scent the air
- Their succulent, juicy aroma begins with a note of tartness and finishes with a mouth watering, sun ripened sweetness
- Bush mangos are indigenous to the Miombo forest now endangered by foreign logging
- Ten times saltier than the ocean, Dead Sea salt promotes skin healing and cell renewal
- Combined with wild harvested African herbs of aloe ferox, kigelli, and African potato, reparative, organic shea butter deeply moisturizes the skin, penetrating deep beneath the epidermis to deliver valuable nutrients
- 99% Natural. Paraben Free. No Artificial Fragrance.

Of all the Shea Terra body products I got, this one may have been the one I was least expecting to be wow'ed over. I was wrong! This scrub is absolutely wonderful. The salt crystals are rather course yet "melt" easily against and into the skin lending a great exfoliating experience. The delicate scent gives the appeal of biting into a sweet, ripe, juicy mango - absolutely delicious. The scrub not only buffs and polishes skin but provides superb moisturization to the skin. The surprising effect is glowing skin, soft and hydrated but not at all oily, even with its 35% butter and oil content. Again, this is a 99% all natural product (practically unheard of), full of healing sea salts, organic shea butter, soothing hydrating herbs and other organic ingredients, with a succulent aroma - 8 oz, $18. Love it! The scrubs are also available in these scents (which I'll speak more of in future posts this week): Bourbon Vanilla, Pink Guava Pomegranate, Lavender of the Khoisan
Shea Terra scrubs are available through these retailers: b-glowing, Nordstrom, Shea Terra Organics