Look around you. You'll find Indian inspired art, jewelry, skincare and cosmetics in just about every forward thinking boutique and line. Has Lancome hitched its wagon for the ride? It certainly looks that way.
These are completely unconfirmed reports, however I'm hopeful the news is on the up and up. Bjooti and a couple of other European blogs are reporting that Lancome is set to launch a really beautiful collection inspired by India for its Fall 2008 unveiling. Here are some more details:

This little gem is being shown as The Lotus Beauty, a heavy gold-ovoid box that unfold itself like a lotus blossom in your hand. The flower contains two shadows and two gloss and comes in two color schemes - Warm Padma and Brown in Nalini (shown above).
Four new Color Fever lipsticks are said to be in the works for this collection: two different viewings of the shades are shown for comparison - the colors are said to be called Orange Sari, Ebony Beauty, Copper Mysore and Drapee de Rouge.
The crowning jewel of the collection is thought to be this amazing powder compact. Indian Summer Glow Powder Sunny Manorama will bestow a little lustre glow to the face in a beautifully decorative palette imaged with an elephant.
The word is that this collection is one of the first to be created by Aaron de Mey, Lancome's new Creative Director (succeeding Gucci Westman). Lancome has a fascinating website featuring Aaron, a New Zealander transplanted rightly to the hub of New York City, giving us a little taste of his "world" (his label), what inspires him, his impressive credentials, and his must haves - you may delight in giving this a look-see, click here.
The collection is expected for Fall 2008 release and has been featured under the monikers of both Onyx Splendor and The Beauty of India in Europe. We'll see if we get this stateside and under what name it shall be called. More information will of course be forthcoming as I learn it.
photos: bjooti and veckorevyn