The offer ends tonight, and they've already run out of the warm set. The cool set includes their top product picks in a full-size Colorscope Lipcolor (Rose Glow) and travel-sizes of Colorscope Lip Gloss (Sassy), False Eyelashes Plush Mascara (Black), Super Line Preventor Xtreme and a luxury cosmetic bag.
Receive this as your free gift with a foundation of moisturizer purchase of $32.50 or more. May I recommend (and highly) Prescriptives Flawless Skin Foundation as a possible purchase item? This foundation has been a favorite of mine for years due to its light texture yet incredible coverage. I always have this in my bag, and stocked up on another to take advatange of the free gift. You'll also have your choice of another deluxe sample at checkout, so it's a great little deal and fabulous products to boot!
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