image: Daily Candy
Hello ...
I feel like I've been so neglectful to my little blog that I've come to love so much. I've been down with a horrendous stomach "thing" and let's hope it's gone. I'd be lying there in bed, thinking of all the things I wanted to post about and missed - Fashion Rocks, end of Fashion Week in New York, all kinds of reviews for products I've been trying, the list goes on and on. Yes, I do literally stay up thinking about what I want to share with you. There's just so much beauty to share and so little time in a day or even a week to get it out. ; )
Hope all of you dear ones are well. My thoughts and prayers to you in the Galveston/Houston and Texas areas where Ike has whipped through leaving its wrath. It gets better. I can tell you that having lived through Katrina in New Orleans. It seems like life will never get back to normal while you're making your way through it, but it truly does get better and normalcy does return. xo