Well, the eyes certainly had it! Eyeliner was streched outward and upward and topped with a row of false eyelashes. Using YSL Matte Touch Foundation and Perfect Touch, Pecheux created a matte base, which was topped with Poudre Sur Measure. Using hues from the Palette Collection, he added a hint of blush and contoured cheekbones slightly.
Hairstylist Julien d'Ys created a dual-toned updo for the show. This is one of my favorite hairstyles of the season's shows - I just love this! He added hair extensions, which were specially dyed in Crayola-bright hues to match the outfits models wore on the runway. The back-bombed styles were inspried by french actresses Simone Signoret and Jeanne Moreau.

source: WWD