It's tempting to add shine to lipstick with gobs of gloss, but take a cue from gorgeous Jessica Biel and get rid of the extra goo! Project Runway's makeup artist Nathan Johnson loves the attitude of this fresh new pink matte look: "With a matte finish, pink gets a bolder, harder edge," he says. "It's sexy instead of soft, especially when paired with subtle eye makeup and dewy pink blush to keep it fresh." (Johnson suggests NARS Semi Matte Lipstick in Schiap or Funny Face to crib the look.) Biel's matte mouth brightens her face without looking like she kissed a tub

Another lippie I can highly recommend for this look is the Allure Editor's Choice Award Winner -YSL's Rouge Volupte' #10. I've been wearing this, although it's not spring yet, and I'm looooooovin' it! This is a stunning look on just about any skintone and really brings out the eyes.
For an Allure Backstage Video: Matte Pink Lips by Bobbi Brown, click here.
source: Glamour, Alure magazines