My darling friends at Erth Minerals are running a fun contest for blogging fiends. You've read about my love for their products before, so I couldn't wait to share the news with all my friends and blogging buddies. Here's the scoop:

Erth Minerals Bloggers Writing Competition

Erth Minerals is excited to announce a writing contest for mineral makeup, beauty, & natural health & products bloggers! We will also consider essays by Facebook members who post our link on their Facebook page. Here is what we are looking for!
We are looking for partipants to submit UNIQUE mineral makeup essays about the benefits of using mineral makeup in general. We also require a backlink to our homepage: in order that others can view our site & the essay results.

Please submit these essays to:

Prizes include the following:

1st prize: $500 in merchandise from . This includes our skincare & makeup lines! One of each of our products!!

2nd prize: $250 in merchandise from Your choice of $250.00 in Erth products.

3rd prize: $100 in Erth Minerals merchandise.

Good luck & happy writing!!