So about 5 years ago,on the way back to the car,my boyfriend and i passed a jewellers,i looked in the window and said "ooh i like that watch" so he took me inside a bought it,random i know
its a heart shaped diamond aqua master with two heart faces

i was young at the time so you can see why i loved it so much lol

so anyways,after like a year i stopped wearing it,and it just sat in its case,in my draw....
I think its cause i began to despise the white strap,and its taken me all this time to realise i should just go and get the strap changed,duh....
So im gonna me it up a bit, with either a tan or chocolate brown strap,the jeweller did say i could upgrade it,but i thought best to hang onto it,for the memory it holds
So no longer will it sit in my draw,i think its time it saw light of day once again
: )