If you've followed For the Love of Beauty for any length of time, you already know my love for Pomega5 pomegranate seed oil skincare products! Their products have been listed in my Favorite Things categories over and over again. I've even gone so far as to say that since finding and using these products, my skin has never looked better - and it's true.
Tzeira Sofer, founder, president and creative force behind Pomega5, was driven by a vision to create an authentic, holistic line based upon the potent benefits of the pomegranate. The inspiration for the Green Tea Moisturizer originates with Tzeira’s love for Japanese green tea, which she habitually blends with organic herbs and flowers from her own garden. Formulated with three ultra-potent antioxidants - green tea, verbena and pomegranate seed oil - Green Tea Mattifying Moisturizer protects against environmental and free-radical damage, while hydrating to leave skin silky soft with a matte, smooth finish. Lightweight and extremely refreshing, this moisturizer is ideal for hot summer days, touch-ups and the occasional aromatic indulgence. I can't even describe fully enough how wonderful the moistuizer smells; it's very fresh with a lingering of verbena. You know those products that you can't wait to use because the smell of them feels like heaven ... this is one of those products! The true glory of the moisturizer, however, is in its effects on skin - hydrating, renewing, leaving skin looking smooth and healthy.

Hot off the press:
Pomega5 is expanding its product offerings and is redesigning its packaging (image above). The new line will be even more comprehensive, including 16 products that will address a variety of age and skin-type needs — all of them entirely pure and luscious as usual. Fans of this brand are on pins and needles (oh, you know I am) waiting for all the new goodness to spring forth. One of their newer products, Pamplemousse Brightening Lotion, which boasted a "green" all natural SPF 15, was so hot for the company in its debut that they literally haven't been able to keep it in stock. I had the opportunity to try some samples of this lotion and loved it immediately. It's very light in texture and has a lovely, fresh, almost "subtly-citrus" scent. Don't worry, they're making some more. x
Want to try Pomega5?
They've created a special promotion exclusively for our readers! For a limited time, receive 15% off all products (regardless of minimum order) PLUS a free Cleansing Bar. Believe me, just the offer of one of their cleansing bars alone is a fantastic gift. I'm really so excited for you to try Pomega5, and very thankful to Mikhal and Tzeira for offering our readers a special promotion. mwah!
Offer good thru 9/30/09
Note: I receive absolutely no commission or payment in line with this promotion; this is a special offer for you to enjoy! xo