My first tag,wooo hooo,i was tagged by phoebe (peluxe)

lets see if i do any good,here goes......

* I am a nail varnish junkie,my fridge door is jammed packed lol

* I cant stand people that honestly belieive they know everything

* Everday I curse the driver on the road that caused me to fail my driving test,by saying i could go,then pulling forward the same time as me,grrr sleep with one eye open

*Im so easy to anoy when im tired

*Il buy anything with the word radiant or illuminous on it :S

*Im the worst person to shop with unless you want to go round all the shops to look,then back round again to buy lol

*I really like making people laugh

*I have a beauty spot on the back of my arm,Which everyone seems to think is some kind of button to a new dimension.

*Hats hate me,i can never carry one off

*And i bake a mean cake

I Tag

Have fun girlies
: )