Haha,so trying maybellines colour sensation made me a complete convert to lipstick,so much so that when I was out last week I had to pick up fatal red....

Sorry its applied a tad crappy,all on my skin and that,but im still a lipstick learner lol,well for bright colours like this anyway
I love it,and im sure it will look great when my hair and make-up is properly done.
I just need somewhere decent to go now.....
And on the flip side to make this post random,I bought a grey beenie hat for the winter,You know the ones that are baggy at the back
I had a khaki one last year,and for the life of me I swear I look like a teapot,Hats will never suit me no matter how hard I try. It does sadden me,because I would like to keep my head warm in the winter without looking like ive stuck a tea cosy on my head : (
Ah well,I guess some are lucky enough to wear hats,and im one of those that are not,I might add though,the only hats that actually suit me are those giant floppy ones that jlo always wore,but thats really no good to me at all,I dont know why I tried to make myself feel good by saying that lol
Oh and im really interested in trying colour sensation in pink me up,so if anyones got any pics of that one,let me know
: D