Now you see, this is exactly why I need to live in or closer to New York. Right? I mean, really, it would take me all of a second to decide whether or not to take the morning off, or even the whole day, to attend this epitome of a fragance lover's event!
Are you kidding me? Frederic Malle Editions de Parfums, Antonia Bellanca Antonia's Flowers, Fabrice Penot Le Labo, and Ben Gorham Byredo Parfums ... leading a discussion to unravel the mystery of perfume for attendees. I'd probably stand there starstruck at just the notion of the creative talent in the room. These are masters, my loves! If you have any ability to attend, don't miss this.

The Mystery of Perfume - Panel of Experts

L-R: Frederic Malle, Antonia Bellanca, Fabrice Penot, Ben Gorham
ELLE Editor in Chief Roberta Myers + ELLE Beauty Director Emily Dougherty invite you to unravel the mystery of perfume. Enjoy a panel discussion hosted at Barneys New York.
Fred's Restaurant
Madison and Sixty-First
Wednesday, October 21st
8:30 - 10:00AM
$25 Attendance fee redeemable in product in store.
A fabulously fragrant goody bag for all attendees! Ladies and gents, this is going to be uber-popular so please do RSVP early. Visit Barneys.com/ELLE and add The Mystery of Perfume to your cart to reserve your spot. Space is limited!