The Skinny is a skincare lover's dream come true!
I've been dying to tell you about this wonderful opportunity to purchase luxury skincare on sale at The Skinny. Recently, they featured products from Organic Apoteke (you all know how I adore Organic Apoteke) and some products were actually more than 50% off retail. I couldn't believe it when I saw the prices. The key is, you really have to seek your treasure when the notice of sale first comes out, as popular items are likely to sell out quickly. This is what happened to me when I went to purchase a bottle of Organic Apoteke's luxurious and highly coveted Rejuvenating Face Cream. Shoot : ( [Note to The Skinny: PLEASE bring back more Organic Apoteke! xo]

Well, you really need to know more. Here's the skinny on The Skinny:
The Skinny is a members-only site offering exclusive deals on top-shelf skin care products. They also give the Skinny on each brand through educational videos, personalized recommendations for your skin type and areas of concern, and access to their upcoming events from brands like Bare Escentuals, Dermaquest, Lisa Hoffman and Perricone MD.
Each week, The Skinny debuts a new shopping event with a luxury brand at up to 70% off retail!
Each shopping event begins with an invitation email to their members. You'll receive an overview of the brand, and a selection of products they think you'll like based on your skin type and preferences. Click on the link in your email to visit the shopping event, where you can watch educational videos, learn about the brand's story, and take a closer look at all the products on sale. Shopping events last one week, or until sold out.
The Skinny is a members-only site offering exclusive deals on top-shelf skin care products. They also give the Skinny on each brand through educational videos, personalized recommendations for your skin type and areas of concern, and access to their upcoming events from brands like Bare Escentuals, Dermaquest, Lisa Hoffman and Perricone MD.
Each week, The Skinny debuts a new shopping event with a luxury brand at up to 70% off retail!
Each shopping event begins with an invitation email to their members. You'll receive an overview of the brand, and a selection of products they think you'll like based on your skin type and preferences. Click on the link in your email to visit the shopping event, where you can watch educational videos, learn about the brand's story, and take a closer look at all the products on sale. Shopping events last one week, or until sold out.

Currently, The Skinny is featuring skincare by Tammy Fender, "the secret behind Palm Beach's happiest, healthiest complexions," (Vogue). I'm looking at the product selection right now, and the prices are again unbelievably discounted. Her Epi-Peel facial in a jar, which normally retails for $80 is available to members at $48 and her multi-vitamin in a jar, the Antioxidant Creme Neroli and Orange is offered for $57 (regularly priced at $95).
So how do you become a member and receive an invitation to this must-experience skincare lover's paradise? Members are allowed to invite guests. As a happy and satisfied member, I'm delighted to extend to you a personal invitation. xo

Enjoy, my darlings! xo