So Iv been pestering my friend Emma to throw some swatches my way for a while now,and shes finally come through lol,Shes written an entry for all you lovely readers and included some swatches, enjoy.....oh and c if you can spot the old man from UP!
Hi all..
I’ve been meaning to write a submission for Michelle’s blog for some time now but never seemed to get round to it >.<#
This evening I was sitting in bed painting my nails and watching ‘Brothers & Sisters’ (season 3 is amazing) and decided to get on and type something =(^-^)=
I recently bought 3 nail varnishes. 2 from Mac (‘Blissed Out’ & ‘Dim the Lights’ from the ‘Warm & Cozy’ collection) and 1 from Urban Outfitters.
Both of these Mac colours are wonderful. So many bloggers out there are raving about them...the hype is well founded! I wanted to buy another ‘Blissed Out’ but it’s sold out on their website now. Both colours dry quickly, although both need at least a couple of coats. I actually think the nude colour is pretty poor quality and needs a base coat (the chocolate brown is better and can do without)...

I bought the YSL colour a couple of months ago while looking for a nude shade (I have no idea what it’s name is. There aren’t any other similar YSL colours out though, so just go pester the store assistant when you go buy it...which you really should).
The paint goes on beautifully, stays chip-free for at least 4 days and is easy to remove...but at £16 you’d hope really hope so.
I actually prefer Blissed Out’s colour (and price), but the consistency of the YSL runs rings around its
I’m still a total sucker for these little pots of gloriousness though <3
Anyone know of any matte black nail polishes that are less than a tenner?? I can’t find one anywhere....