Shiseido, Japan's largest cosmetics company (and one of my very first cosmetic loves ... their eyeshadows are the dreamiest!), is said to be buying U.S.-based
Bare Escentuals for a whopping $1.7 billion, the mineral makeup line that enjoys quite a following (though I can't stand them ... so irritating). The California-based firm will operate as a separate division of Shiseido, and CEO
Leslie Blodgett will continue to run its brands.
Well, if there has to be a down side, right? Really, does Leslie Blodgett irritate the hell out of anyone else like she does me? I realize I may be in the minority as many a beauty addict likes BE; I just don't understnad why. Personally, I think Shiseido got the raw end of the deal here. Waaaaaayyyy too much $$$ spent on this endeavor. Mineral makeup and BE's fledgling skincare brand isn't here to stay - just my opine.

Class vs. Well ... No Class
source: wwd