So ive been tagged by Ellie from Barbies Glitter,Thanks for tagging me
For this award I have to list 10 things that make me happy,which at the moment is going to be hard as ive been feeling nothing but anger and stress,maybe doing this will cheer me up,so here we go.....
1. Catching joke on twitter,Im so glad I joined twitter last year even if I was my usual late self.
2.Galaxy chocolate-I was a lover of galaxy hazelnut,but since I discovered galaxy caramel,I cant stop eating it,I really need to stop -_-
3.shopping-Im a clear addict,and frankly I dont care
4.My Readers-when I first set up my blog,I never anticipated getting as many followers and readers as I do,(I thought everyone would think my blog was rather crap),so I just want to say a big thank you to you all,you make blogging worth while
5.Sunshine-Ok so theres clearly none around now,and lets be real,when the sun does shine in London it isnt for long-But I cant wait for that time to come round,Im already sick of wearing a coat
6.A duvet and a hot chocolate-When its cold outside im in hibernation,cosey hibernation
7.Hair dye-Ok so we all experiment with the stuff when were bored,then we sit down and pray whilst its on our heads in hope that all goes well-its either too dark,too light,perfect or we dont notice a difference,either way we still love it
8.Music-theres nothing I like to do more than to crunk up that volume on my system when a tune comes on-then I dance around like I am one of those chics in the video*loser* lol
9.Finding a bargain-I love finding bargains because it feeds my shopping addiction without making me feel bad about spending, You best believe im one to haggle aswell shop market whatever,if im making a saving im happy
10.keeping busy-I cant stand sitting around doing nothing,Keeping busy definitely keeps me happy
So there you have it,ten boring things about me you probably didnt really care to know lol,ahh well im going to make a few of you do it now
I tag
knock yourself out ladies