Yesterday I decided to look it up online as the add made it seem so special.That and the fact its my birthday next week and im really ready for a colour change.
So what I can extract from the site is that Inoa by loreal is a new kind of hair colour that causes no discomfort when on,for example itching to the scalp.It doesn't contain any imonia,so the dye is odourless, which is good because I cant stand the smell of hair colour.Its meant to be very gentle on the hair and the colour it gives is meant to be very accurate,precise and even from root to tip.
There are 57 shades available in cool,vibrant and luminous warm tones.Inoa also allows for lightening up to 3 levels minus the bleach.
Optimise scalp comfort
Optimised respect for hair
Unlimited colour results
You can check the site here
I think I want to be a a true chocolatey brown with a warm reddish undertone.I used to get my hair coloured a deep golden mahogany brown and it was love.So im thinking probably something along those lines.I have already checked if there's any salons near me that does this,and there's loads.
So what do you think ladies.Should I take the plunge????