I used to lightly exfoliate my face with exfoliating gloves.Frankly it was annoying because I had make sure I didn't apply too much pressure so not to scratch my face.A few blog reads later,and my problem was solved.
Enter body shop facial buffer.......

A little while back I was reading Holly's (yummy mummy) blogpost on this magical £3 item she had picked up from the body shop.It was about time I stopped playing roulette with my face,and stepped away from the exfoliating gloves.
Finally last week I had the chance to pick the buffer up.Words fail me as to how amazing this little thing is.If you want soft, smooth,silky skin just head down to your local body shop tomorrow and pick one of these up.From first use I had super soft skin.
The lady in the shop also gave me a sample of the seaweed facial scrub which I used with the buffer.I told her that she would probably see me again in a week,and oh how she is.The seaweed scrub is really nice and its one of those scrubs you can feel working.It also smells scrumptious.
Now armed with a £3 off voucher the lady kindly attached to my purchase,I have an even better intensive to get myself back down there.
Has anyone else tried either of these.Whats your wonder product?