In one word - HELL NO!
Forgive the swearing and sarcasm, but I want my voice to be heard loudly and clearly on this subject. Printed magazines are not obsolete. They are still very much appreciated, loved and wanted. There is absolutely nothing that gives us the same experience as thumbing through the glossy pages of a magazine - no matter what the genre of that magazine might be. Sports, home, cooking, fitness, art, my favorites - beauty and fashion - or other, all have their traditional place in the hearts and homes (and yes, even bathroom floor baskets and tables) of most American folk. And we want them! We don't want them to go away.
taken from inside VIV magazine Jul/Aug
I've read way too many posts, articles, blog opinion etc. praising the virtues of electronic media over printed, and they do have their place. It would be quite hypocritical (and ridiculous) of me to feign otherwise as here I am speaking out about printed media via my electronic medium blog. However, comparing printed media to electronic is like comparing apples to oranges.
taken from inside VIV magazine Jul/Aug 2010 edition - Click to enlarge images
Reading through the pages of my Allure magazine while relaxing on a white sandy beach during a long weekend's vacation gives me an altogether different experience than if I were to substitute that magazine for my mobile phone, an iPad, or my laptop/netbook computer. One difference, at the very least, is the feeling it gives me. And the quality of that experience. The variety of information, editorials, images, columns, and more on paper in that one book is all very different than clicking through numerous screens on a digital screen.
For me, magazines are therapeutic! They relax me. When I'm reading through a magazine, I'm very aware that I'm giving back to myself - it's "me time". Magazine reading is even more than therapeutic for me, it's inspirational. Now, some may argue, well it's meant to "inspire" you, especially where your wallet is concerned. And while I'm certainly no idiot to the fact that a good bit of magazine content is dedicated to enticing me to buy, I also appreciate the creative ideas that go along with that piece, whether in a photograph of a well designed bedroom, a how-to article on makeup application for a flawless complexion, or a strategically illustrated image of a cocktail with naked bodies digitally added in the ice cubes to enhance the allure of the drink. I enjoy it. I don't want to see print magazines go away.
So support your favorite magazine's publishers. Let them know you still want printed magazines. Be willing to buy them on the newstand or subscribe to have them delivered to your front door. They're worth it! The quality of experience received only through this form of media is well worth the pricetag of a few dollars.
Interested in subscribing to a magazine or two you like or want to renew, some sites offer highly discounted magazine subscriptions. One such site is Magazines.com (get $5 off here) and there are many others as well as visitng the publishers' websites directly. May you reap much enjoyment from your favorite mag! xo
images/photos: VIV Magazine (July/August 2010)