I have heard so many people rave about Liz Earle,so when I had the chance to try it,I was on it like a bee to honey.
As they are well known for their natural ingredients and their no fuss approach to skin care,I preyed this would suite my sensitive skin to a T.
I have been using the range around 6 weeks now,so its fair to say I can share a worth while opinion.

The range I tried consisted of the famous cleanse and polish,Instant boost skin tonic and the skin repair moisturiser.
First up,Cleanse and polish hot cloth cleanser.

Containing ingredients such as cocoa butter,eucalyptus essential oil,rosemary and chamomile,this cleanser is second to none,and I can personally see why its so famous.
I dont think I need to ramble too much about this,as its very well known.
This comes with a muslin cloth(natural exfoliant),which you rinse in (hand bearable) hot water,before you remove the cleanser.This essentually polishes the skin,leaving it,soft,smooth and clean.
I personally love this,the thick creamy texture is moisturising and gentle enough to also take over the eye area.
I usually wipe my make up off with a facial wipe,followed by this to get a deeper clean.
I never really had a problem with my skin before,but i've found that this has given it the extra boost it needs.
If you try one thing out the range,I would definitely recommend this.
Instant Boost Skin Tonic:

I use this every morning without fail,I feel like it wakes me up and gives my skin a refreshed feeling.
I simply soak a cotton pad,and sweep it over my face and neck.
It has a light floral scent which by no means is over powering.Combined with the cleanser its definitely helped on the radiant side of things.
Lastly,Skin Repair Moisturiser:

As you can see from the picture below,I've nearly finished my pot (sad times)

I like that this cream contains vitamin E,as my previous moisturiser was in fact a vitamin E cream.But I would say I prefer a cream with an added spf,which this does not contain as far as im aware.
I apply this after using the skin tonic.I just dot it over my face,and rub it all in,in an upward motion.
Im not sure if this has made a difference to the appearance of my skin,but its made a difference to the softness.
Once again,this also has a light natural scent.
The fact that this is so rich, but doesn't leave skin greasy is a plus point in my books.
Im just going to put it out there,that I will be purchasing this set once this ones finished.It isnt easy finding products that work well on sensitive skin.
I thought my skin was good before,but these products have taken given my skin to a next level.Without sounding like a cheesey ad,its like my face is lit from within.
Im actually hooked!
Cleanse and polish 100ml starter kit £13
Skin Boost Tonic 200ml £11.50
Skin Repair Moisturiser 50ml £17.25
All can be found at lizearle.com
Have any of you tried any of these,or are you planning too?
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