Philips, the same company that makes televisions, appliances, electronic equipment, this year's Times Square Ball and more is involved in a new design probe project. SKIN, which examines the future integration of "sensitive" materials (as opposed to "intelligent") in the area of emotional sensing.

Philips has developed Soft Technology dresses to demonstrate emotive technology. They show how the body and the near environment can use pattern and color change to interact and even predict emotional states. Pretty cool, huh!

SKIN: Tattoos
Another part to the SKIN project examines the trend of body adornment: tattoos, body piercings, implants, scarring. Philips' Electronic Tattoo film expresses the visual power of "sensitive" technology applied to the human body. You can view this sensual experiment by clicking here. (WARNING: the film plays on the senses of touch and vision and is sensual in nature; short 2.5 minutes) Film plays toward bottom of the page.