Case in point:
Ok, not only are we being asked to "buy" the all-too-ridiculous FUZE Slenderize Guilt-Free Lip Gloss (at $18.50 a pop worse yet) - see prior post, but, hey, just for extra amusement, go ahead and shell out an additional $18.50 on the Mood Swing Gloss as well ... uggggh!
Purporting to, "change color on your lips depending on your body heat, ph balance and mood". Wait! Does this sound strangely similar to another product that changes color with the wearer's own body chemistry ...? Hmmm .... now what was that product .... ?
Oh yes, I remember, from another well established beauty brand ... but in a blush. We all remember the well advertised O-Glow "intuitive" blush ... yes indeedy.
Let's add insult to injury with an expansion to the O-Glow family. How about, oh I don't know, a nice little "intuitive" lip gloss! Hey, and let's call it, ready for this; hold onto your seats now - O-Gloss!
Again with the micro-circulatory Goji-Berry C Complex blah blah blah. And a whopping $22 a tube. Are we really running to the stores to buy these, ladies?
