NY Times has a fantastic story and photo spread running featuring the always gorgeous Rachel McAdams. In the aptly titled article Crazy Like a Fox, columnist Lynn Hirschberg catches McAdams for a little tête-à-tête.
In ‘‘The Lucky Ones,’’ which is out next month, you play a soldier home on leave from Iraq. What attracted you to this movie?
When I first read the script, I didn’t get my character and I found that interesting. She had such a mishmash of qualities — one minuteshe’s a hellcat and the next she’s so sensitive. I liked that sense of complication. And I was interested in what it is to belong to something like the Army and the nature of true fellowship and service. Basically, the movie is a long road trip, and that was resonant for me: we were the family that drove to Disney World and played Name That Tune all the way there and back. I didn’t go up in an airplane until I was 22, and then I was heading to Italy for my first part. It was very glamorous and completely different from anything I had known. I thought, This is making movies!
What did you wear to your prom?
A chartreuse floor-length dress. It had a velvet bodice and a chiffon skirt. I had a wrist corsage and I wore my hair in tight curls.What color was your hair? You’re always switching — from red to blond to brown to pink stripes and back again.Back then I think it was dirty blond. It’s a compulsion: I’m always changing parts of me. Even when I was young, I wanted to change my hair color. I was so determined that I dyed my hair with Kool-Aid. You dunk your head in a bowl of red Kool-Aid for four hours, and it comes out apricot. Not that pretty, but it is still transforming. Even my handwriting changes regularly. [She laughs.] They say that only happens with sociopaths, so maybe I’m crazy.
In ‘‘The Notebook,’’ you and Ryan Gosling had amazing chemistry. Are love scenes difficult?
They’re strange. A kiss with anyone, on or off camera, can be intimidating. I’ve been kissing for nearly two decades now, and I’m always convinced I’m not doing it right. Chemistry is so important in a great kiss. You can act your way through anything, but it’s hard with a kiss. It’s much better if there’s an attraction.
I have a split personality — I love being completely immersed in my nonworking life, but I am equally compelled by the lives of the characters I play. If you want to tell stories as truthfully as possible, you have to have a normal, boring existence. Otherwise, you’ll never understand the greatness of the everyday.
- Excerpted from NY Times, Crazy Like a Fox

To create Rachel's beauty look above, makeup artist Fulvia Farolfi used these great makeup products: Shiseido The Makeup Eyeliner Pencil in Black, Exceptionnel de Chanel Intense Volume and Curl Mascara and Estee Lauder Tender Blush in Pink Kiss; on lips - Chanel Precision Eye Definer in Noir and Make Up For Ever (MUFE) Flash Color in Black 11. Although, based on our articles earlier this week, you could also opt for one of those black glosses from Lancome or YSL Beauty.
source: NY Times