The Time Traveler's Wife is set to arrive in theaters near you right in time for the holidays. I am so excited about this movie and only hope the adaptation from the best-selling novel of the same name to film can lend itself to the same emotional journey we embarked upon by reading the novel.
Okay, now I know it seems as though I'm on a Rachel McAdams kick this weekend (see prior post just below), but would you begrudge me even if that were the case? Few could deny the versatile style and beauty of McAdams. So when I came across this little news gem I just had to share it with you here.
When reading the Time Traveler's Wife, by author Audrey Niffenegger, nearly five years ago, I envisioned Julianne Moore in the role of Clare Abshire (wife to the time traveler). However, I can easily rework that vision with only a slight stretch of the imagination to focus in on Rachel McAdams as Clare. Clare, an artist, is passionate, caring and a much needed anchor for her conflicted husband, which demonstrates itself through a maturity of love only few lucky souls experience. Trouble seeing McAdams carrying that off? Not a chance, she'll nail it!
Contrastly, what I find a bit baffling is the uproar fans of the novel are bellowing over the casting of Eric Bana as Henry deTamble (the time traveler). Bana strikes me as perfect to play this role. What I've seen of Bana's prior acting demonstrates he is easily able to exude that aura of inner conflict and rawness one would need to portray deTamble and do the character justice.
I'm not going to ruin anything for those who haven't read the novel by talking about the plot (click here for a very brief synopsis). Suffice it to say, if you've not read The Time Traveler's Wife, it's a wonderfully imaginative story complete with all the intellect, emotion, highs and lows one wants in a good read. One reviewer describes it thusly, "...this inventive tale works on three levels - an intriguing science fiction concept, a realistic character study and a touching love story...". I encourage anyone who has high expectations of the novels they read to pick up a copy, whether you think you'll see the film or not. It's just that good!

movie photos: allmovix.com
Most recent updates on IMBD show the following release dates for the movie; however that is prone to change as reps are also saying the movie is still in production:
Canada - 9 September 2008 (Toronto Film Festival)
USA - 7 November 2008 (New York City, New York)
USA - 7 November 2008 (Los Angeles, California)
USA - 21 November 2008 (limited)
USA - 25 December 2008