I got me some of this today,I picked it up in natural tan,instead of my usual maybelline dream satin liquid (which I love) But I just wanted to try something new,plus it was 3 for 2 in superdrug.Which may I just add,I don't know what the hell was wrong with me today,even though it was 3 for 2 I only picked this up,I was so confused as to what else to buy, that's not good-im losing my make up mojo
This foundation is apparently a dupe to a mac foundation,but for the life of me I cant remember the name,I think its studio something.Anyhoo Iv heard that this foundation is one not to budge,Which is good because I have to say my maybelline one always seems to have gone after a few hours,so im intrigued to see how this one compares,flawless skin that lasts all day,you cant really complain
So anyway,Ive put some on one of my cheeks,and its ok,but im not sure it compares to my maybelline,but one swatch isnt enough to judge it by so I will give it a bit more of a chance than that
If any of you have used this and you think your comments will make me feel happy about my purchase,pleas go ahead and leave one letting me know how you got on with it yada yada yada.....
: )