Youve probably seen reviews for this little pot of magic all over the shot,But as I only purchased it around christmas Id thought Id share my views on it with some others, that may have been sailing in the same boat as me..
So a while back I posted a plea for help asking what I could do to keep my eye-shadow in place.I was tired of leaving the house with perfect eye make-up,then a short while later,what do you know,im having to clean up the corners of my eyes, where my once perfect eye-shadow had now melted (sad times)
Many of you recommended this,and at £11 I thought errr,why not.It was either that or spend a bit more on the two face one,which clearly wasn't going to be the case.Because im tight like that lol.
So I plodded along to boots in hope it would be in stock,as it was around Christmas,and Hurrah,there was one left,waiting there for little old me,It was clearly a sign lol.
The packaging is so cute,genie esq.One down fall though,Iv seen a bunch of videos warning all us Urban Decay lovers that when you think this is finished...ITS NOT!!! but a little knife action in a few months doesnt really bother me.
So as you can see from the picture above,It has a sponge applicator,so its nice and gentle on the eyes.You only need a small amount for each eye,But below I have swatched it for all those curious Georges out there.

Its a creamy consistency,and once blended and dry, it gives a matt finish,you then put your eye-shadow on as usual.When I first used this I was quiet amazed that my eye shadow had stayed in place all day.No melting,no creasing,nothing.
So all in all Im a very happy bunny,and I would recommend this to anyone and everyone that wears eye shadow.I will definitely be repurchasing this,after the Iv butchered the bottle and got every last bit of creamy goodness out.
Im am officially a UDPP addict....are you???
: )