Hey ladies sorry for the lack of posting,the internet has been playing up majorly, annoying!!!!
So anyhoo at the weekend I took the plunge and used the sugar hair removal system(here)
did it go well I hear you cry.well yes indeedy.
I really liked this system,and surprisingly it didnt hurt at all.I popped it in the microwve for 20sec and away I went.Oh and for those that may not have a microwave,you can heat it under a reading lamp.
The product went on nice and smooth an didn't tug my skin.The only area that bothered me slightly was my ankle area,and thats only because there is no meat there what so ever lol.
Aside from that,doing the rest of my leg was fine.
My legs didnt turn the usual pink that they would have if I had waxed,because this product only takes your hair,NOT a layer of your skin with it.My legs were left really soft and smooth.Its a couple days on now and the smoothness is still going strong.I will definitely be purchasing this,so much better than waxing.I was tempted to epilate a while back but I think im going to stick with this for a bit.
have any of you ever tried a sugar hair removal system?