Barry M nail effects.I remember seeing something like this on the shopping channel years ago,for a rather ridiculous price.But at £3.95 you cant really go wrong.

My base colour is Models own grace green.

Barry M have definitely exceeded themselves with this little pot of genius.
You literally paint on one coat,then sit back and watch it,as it instantly transforms your nails.Oh,and it dries in seconds.
I wasnt planning on doing a post about this today,but when I took it out to have a play,I just couldnt resist.
Barry M is currently 2 for £5 in boots
Bare that in mind for when you see my next post.You will rush to boots after you see it.My friend noticed a new shade that is rather amazing.Of course I picked it up,it would have been rude not too.But im keeping it a secret until Friday ;-)
What do you guys think to the nail effects?
I will have a play around,to see what other effects I can come up with.
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